A name that becomes synonymous with speed and dominance and recognized through signature sound of it's engines,a dominating red color,a brand name worth $4 billion. History: Ferrari is an Italian car manufacturer founded by ENZO FERRARI. Enzo Ferrari was fond of racing since he was 11.He was a part of alpha Romeo racing team until 1939 later he was thrown of the team.He was so obsessed with the racing that he started Ferrari s.p.a and Ferrari cars were just made to meet his financial needs of racing. The iconic ferrari logo was inspired by Italian aviation Hero Francesco Baracca . Stakes:Fiat owns a big stake in Ferrari,thus controls it but Ferrari's racing team was under the control of Enzo Ferrari.when Ford put a deal towards Ferrari of it's complete takeover,they were declined by Enzo Ferrari and showed the way to door as they told the Ferrari racing team final decision would be under their control. CARS: Ferrari current model includes ...
cars,multinational companies and finance